The cost per serving information listed here is designed for home cooks based on buying ingredients in small quantities based on typical grocery store prices.

If you are buying your ingredients in bulk, the cost per serving is probobly much less expensive.


Chili Maya with Meat (with cheese and crackers)

1 14 ounce can tomato sauce  ..................85

2  14 ounce cans beef broth................... 1.25

1 14 ounce can kidney beans ...................75

2-5 tablespoons honey ..........................1.00

1-4 tablespoons vinegar ............................25

2 pounds of ground beef........................ 5.00

1 bulb of garlic ........................................50

1 onion  .................................................50

1/2 cup fat free mild shredded cheddar ......50

10 saltine crackers ..................................25

1 Chili Maya Seasoning packet .............5.00




15.85 / 10 one cup servings = 1.59 per serving

15.85 / 5 two cup   servings = 3.17 per serving




1 onion .................................................50

1 garlic bulb ..........................................50

2 tablespoons of butter...........................25

2 14 ounce cans veggie broth.................1.25

1 14 ounce can tomato sauce..................85

1 28 ounce can petite diced tomatoes.....1.25

2 14 ounce cans pinto beans...................1.50

2 14 ounce cans black beans..................1.50

2 tablespoons honey................................50

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar...............10

10 saltine crackers...................................25

1/2 cup fat free shredded mild cheddar........50

1 Chili Maya Seasoning packet.................5.00




13.95 / 14 one cup servings = 1.00 per serving

13.95 / 7 two cup servings =    1.99 per serving


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